I have the following schema where Quiz
is an optional relationship on User
model User {
email String @id @unique
quiz Quiz?
model Quiz {
id String @id @default(uuid())
user User @relation(fields: [userEmail], references: [email], onDelete: Cascade)
userEmail String
I want to find all users that do have a quiz relationship.
At first I naively tried the following:
const users = await p.user.findMany({
where: { quiz: true },
Then I thought I found a solution in their docs.
const users = await p.user.findMany({
where: { quiz: { some: {} } },
But this gives the error:
Type '{ some: {}; }' is not assignable to type '(Without<QuizRelationFilter, QuizWhereInput> & QuizWhereInput) | (Without<QuizWhereInput, QuizRelationFilter> & QuizRelationFilter) | null | undefined'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'some' does not exist in type '(Without<QuizRelationFilter, QuizWhereInput> & QuizWhereInput) | (Without<QuizWhereInput, QuizRelationFilter> & QuizRelationFilter)'.
9 where: { quiz: { some: {} } },
The solution you found in the docs works for one-to-many relations. One-to-one relations can be filtered like this:
const users = await p.user.findMany({
where: { quiz: { isNot: null } },