
How to create multiple previews of cells based on test data in SwiftUI with a foreach

I am trying to display multiple previews of the card view (Apple's SwiftUI tutorial). I managed to do it manually using the Group struct.

struct CardView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        Group {
            CardView(scrum: DailyScrum.data[0])
            CardView(scrum: DailyScrum.data[1])
        }.previewLayout(.fixed(width: 400, height: 60))

I would like to automate the display of four cells based on test data with a ForEach, but the following fails to build and the compiler fails to produce a diagnostic for the expression.

struct CardView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        Group {
            ForEach(DailyScrum.data) { scrum in
                CardView(scrum: scrum)
        }.previewLayout(.fixed(width: 400, height: 60))   

Is there a way to construct the previews without explicitly creating each preview ?


  • I found the workaround I was looking for by simply adding the id argument to the ForEach initializer. It prevents from having to add Identifiable conformance to the type :

    struct CardView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {
            Group {
                ForEach(DailyScrum.data, id: \.title) { scrum in
                    CardView(scrum: scrum)
            }.previewLayout(.fixed(width: 400, height: 60))