
JavaFX, custom made VirtualFlow performance improvements tips

I'm trying to implement my own VirtualFlow but I'm having some performance issues and I don't understand where the bottleneck could be and what I could do to improve it.
Here's a showcase with two lists, one with simple cells and one with checkboxes too, both have 100_000 items (sorry for the gif quality):

enter image description here

As you can see, I have no issues scrolling through simple cells with just a label, but the list with checkboxes can be quite laggy at the beginning.

To reach such performance (would be much worse otherwise) I memoize my cell factory function so that all cells are ready in memory when needed, I was wondering if there's anything else to make it even faster/smoother.

The code I use to show the cells is:

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) {
    C cell = cellForIndex.apply(i);
    Node node = cell.getNode();
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println("Show elapsed: " + elapsed);

I even added this little log, the heavy part seems to be when I call getChildren().setAll(...), both the cell building and the layout are almost immediate

Oh another note on the from and to parameters. When I scroll, I take the scrollbar's value and calculate the first and last visible indexes like this:

public int firstVisible() {
    return (int) Math.floor(scrolled / cellHeight);

public int lastVisible() {
    return (int) Math.ceil((scrolled + virtualFlow.getHeight()) / cellHeight - 1);

Edit to answer some questions:

Why implementing my own VirtualFlow?

The ultimate goal would be to make my own ListView implementation, in order to do that I also need a VirtualFlow, also I know it's a pretty low level and hard task, but I think it would be a good way to learn more about programming in general and about JavaFX too

Why memoization?

By caching the cell factory results in memory, it makes subsequent scrolls much faster since nodes are already built they just need to be laid out which is fairly easy. The issue is at the start because for some reason the VirtualFlow lags for more complex cells and I can't understand why since the popular library, Flowless, also uses memoization and caches the nodes in memory, but it is very fluent already from the start. JavaFX's VirtualFlow (revised from JFX16) is also very efficient without memoization, but it's much more complex to comprehend


  • I finally found a solution that is fast and also efficient for memory.
    Instead of building new cells every time the view scrolls and update the children list which is super expensive, I build just the needed amount of cells to fill the viewport. On scroll, the cells are laid out and updated. Updating the cells rather than creating and change the children list is much, much faster.

    So, the new implementation is very similar to Android's RecyclerView and maybe also to the JavaFX's VirtualFlow, the only difference being that Cells are dumb, quoting from Flowless:

    This is the most important difference. For Flowless, cells are just Nodes and don't encapsulate any logic regarding virtual flow. A cell does not even necessarily store the index of the item it is displaying. This allows VirtualFlow to have complete control over when the cells are created and/or updated.

    Everyone can extend the interface and define its own logic.
    To show a little bit of code:

    The Cell interface:

    public interface Cell<T> {
         * Returns the cell's node.
         * The ideal way to implement a cell would be to extend a JavaFX's pane/region
         * and override this method to return "this".
        Node getNode();
         * Automatically called by the VirtualFlow
         * <p>
         * This method must be implemented to correctly
         * update the Cell's content on scroll.
         * <p>
         * <b>Note:</b> if the Cell's content is a Node this method should
         * also re-set the Cell's children because (quoting from JavaFX doc)
         * `A node may occur at most once anywhere in the scene graph` and it's
         * possible that a Node may be removed from a Cell to be the content
         * of another Cell.
        void updateItem(T item);
         * Automatically called by the VirtualFlow.
         * <p>
         * Cells are dumb, they have no logic, no state.
         * This method allow cells implementations to keep track of a cell's index.
         * <p>
         * Default implementation is empty.
        default void updateIndex(int index) {}
         * Automatically called after the cell has been laid out.
         * <p>
         * Default implementation is empty.
        default void afterLayout() {}
         * Automatically called before the cell is laid out.
         * <p>
         * Default implementation is empty.
        default void beforeLayout() {}

    The CellsManager class, responsible for showing and updating cells:

         * Initialization, creates num cells
        protected void initCells(int num) {
            int diff = num - cellsPool.size();
            for (int i = 0; i <= diff; i++) {
            // Add the cells to the container
            // Ensure that cells are properly updated
            updateCells(0, num);
         * Update the cells in the given range.
         * CellUpdate is a simple bean that contains the cell, the item and the item's index.
         * The update() method calls updateIndex() and updateItem() of the Cell's interface
        protected void updateCells(int start, int end) {
            // If the items list is empty return immediately
            if (virtualFlow.getItems().isEmpty()) return;
            // If the list was cleared (so start and end are invalid) cells must be rebuilt
            // by calling initCells(numOfCells), then return since that method will re-call this one
            // with valid indexes.
            if (start == -1 || end == -1) {
                int num = container.getLayoutManager().lastVisible();
            // If range not changed or update is not triggered by a change in the list, return
            NumberRange<Integer> newRange = NumberRange.of(start, end);
            if (lastRange.equals(newRange) && !listChanged) return;
            // If there are not enough cells build them and add to the container
            Set<Integer> itemsIndexes = NumberRange.expandRangeToSet(newRange);
            if (itemsIndexes.size() > cellsPool.size()) {
                supplyCells(cellsPool.size(), itemsIndexes.size());
            } else if (itemsIndexes.size() < cellsPool.size()) {
                int overFlow = cellsPool.size() - itemsIndexes.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < overFlow; i++) {
            // Items index can go from 0 to size() of items list,
            // cells can go from 0 to size() of the cells pool,
            // Use a counter to get the cells and itemIndex to
            // get the correct item and index to call
            // updateIndex() and updateItem() later
            int poolIndex = 0;
            for (Integer itemIndex : itemsIndexes) {
                T item = virtualFlow.getItems().get(itemIndex);
                CellUpdate update = new CellUpdate(item, cellsPool.get(poolIndex), itemIndex);
            // Finally, update the cells, the layout and the range of items processed
            lastRange = newRange;

    Maybe it's still not perfect, but it works, I still need to test it properly tough for situations like too many cells, not enough cells, the sizes of the container change so the number of cells must be recomputed again...

    Performance now:
