location vcenter username password abc 10.1 X xxx def 10.2 Y yyy
a csv file which has location column which is a location and in that location IP column indicates the vCenter IP
i need to generate all host details and add location field as the first field in the final csv but not able to do so
Suppose location abc has a vCenter with 5 hosts and location def has a vCenter with 3 hosts
The output should look like
location name version
abc h1 6.5
abc h2 6.5
abc h3 6.5
abc h4 6.5
abc h5 6.5
def hxx 6.7
def hyy 6.7
def hzz 6.7
$inventory = Import-Csv -path path.csv
foreach($i in $inventory){
Connect-VIServer -Server $i.vcenter -User $i.username -Password $i.password
Get-VMHost | Select-Object -Property Name,Version | Export-csv tempoutput.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
$ExistingCSV = Import-Csv -Path 'tempoutput.csv'
$ExistingCSV | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Location' -Value $i.location
$ExistingCSV | Export-Csv final.csv -NoTypeInformation
Disconnect-VIServer -Server $i.vcenter -Force -Confirm:$false
But this is not working
I would only write to the output CSV once provided your memory can hold all of the Get-VMHost
data. You may make use of calculated properties to prevent having to use a temporary CSV file.
$inventory = Import-Csv -path path.csv
$output = foreach ($i in $inventory) {
$null = Connect-VIServer -Server $i.vcenter -User $i.username -Password $i.password
Get-VMHost | Select-Object -Property Name,Version,@{n='Location';e={$i.Location}}
$null = Disconnect-VIServer -Server $i.vcenter -Force -Confirm:$false
$output | Export-Csv final.csv -NoType
It may be worthwhile to consider a redesign if you have repeated entries of the same vCenter and credentials in the CSV file. Connecting and disconnecting to the same vCenter so many times is likely inefficient. You may make use of Group-Object
to only connect and disconnect from vCenter when the vCenter server changes.
$inventory = Import-Csv -path path.csv | Group-Object vcenter,username,password | Foreach-Object {
$vc = $_.Group[0] | Select-Object vcenter,username,password,location
$null = Connect-VIServer -Server $vc.vcenter -User $vc.username -Password $vc.password
Get-VMHost | Select-Object -Property Name,Version,@{n='Location';e={$vc.Location}}
$null = Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vc.vcenter -Force -Confirm:$false
$inventory | Export-Csv final.csv -NoType
In your attempt, you are reading the entire temp CSV in $ExistingCSV
during each loop iteration. Then you are adding the property Location
to the entire object $ExistingCSV
, which adds it to every item in the $ExistingCSV
list with the same value. So at the end of the loop, every line of the CSV has a Location
value that matches the last item in the loop.