I'm creating a bar chart with SVG, by default bars are vertical. But in some cases it looks better if bars are horizontal, like when there are only 2 bars.
How can I reuse same SVG code and just switch X and Y axis to achieve that? It's actually more than just X and Y and also things like height and width for the rect.
Is that possible? I would like to avoid writing very similar code twice.
Example: I built two charts separately, ideally the second chart should be produced by reusing the code from the first chart.
svg { height: 20px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid #ccc;}
<rect x="5%" y="60%" width="40%" height="40%" fill="black"/>
<rect x="55%" y="40%" width="40%" height="60%" fill="black"/>
<rect y="5%" x="0%" height="40%" width="40%" fill="black"/>
<rect y="55%" x="0%" height="40%" width="60%" fill="black"/>
Maybe something like this:
function cloneWithTransformedAttributes(obj1, mapping) {
// returns copy of obj1 with child node attributes transformed according to mapping.
const obj2 = obj1.cloneNode(true);
[...obj1.children].forEach((child, idx)=>{
Object.keys(mapping).forEach((attribute) => {
const replacementVal = mapping[attribute].default ?
mapping[attribute].default :
obj2.children[idx].setAttribute(attribute, replacementVal);
return obj2;
mapping = {
x: {
default: 0
y: "x",
width: "height",
height: "width"
const verticalSvg = document.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
const horizontalSvg = cloneWithTransformedAttributes(verticalSvg, mapping);
const graphs = document.getElementById("graphs");
svg { height: 20px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid #ccc;}
<div id="graphs">
<rect x="5%" y="60%" width="40%" height="40%" fill="black"/>
<rect x="55%" y="40%" width="40%" height="60%" fill="black"/>
Edit: You could also do it with svg transforms but you need to put the inside of the SVG inside a group <g></g>
. Here's an example with both a manually calculated transform and a JS solution that calculates the transform by itself by getting the original svg width and height:
const verticalSvg = document.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
const svgStyle = window.getComputedStyle(verticalSvg, null);
const width = parseInt(svgStyle.getPropertyValue("width"));
const height = parseInt(svgStyle.getPropertyValue("height"));
const whRatio = width / height;
const transform = `rotate(90) scale(${1 / whRatio} ${whRatio}) translate(0 -${height})`
const horizontalSvg = verticalSvg.cloneNode(true);
horizontalSvg.children[0].setAttribute("transform", transform);
const graphs = document.getElementById("graphs");
svg { height: 20px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid #ccc; overflow: visible}
<div id="graphs">
<rect x="5%" y="60%" width="40%" height="40%" fill="black"/>
<rect x="55%" y="40%" width="40%" height="60%" fill="black"/>
<!-- Manually calculated and applied transform -->
<g transform="rotate(90)
scale(0.20 5)
translate(0 -20)
<rect x="5%" y="60%" width="40%" height="40%" fill="black"/>
<rect x="55%" y="40%" width="40%" height="60%" fill="black"/>
<!-- JS generated SVG will get inserted here -->
In your case, you need to apply the transform to a group holding the SVG contents. If you apply the transform to the SVG itself it will also scale the border according to the scale transform.
can not be applied to the border of the SVG which is not part of the SVG itself. But if you are using elements with a "stroke" property inside the SVG then you would probably want to also apply the vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"
attribute to them.