I have a Windows batch file which connects several network drives. It first pings the servers, and if that succeds, it then tries to map the share with net use ...
SET host=mini3
IF /I NOT %host% == %COMPUTERNAME% (
ping -4 -n 2 -w 1000 %host% | find "TTL=" > NUL
echo Q: == \\%host%\Q_ -- mini3-Volumes
net use Q: \\%host%\Q_ /persistent:yes > NUL && echo OK
) ELSE (
echo %host% not found. Skipping.
Sometimes, even though the machine is reachable by ping, the net use
command hangs forever. The reason it hangs seems due to a misconfiguration in the SMB server, and/or in the Windows Credentials stored on the client.
So when that happens, for whatever reason, I would like to print an error and go on to the next drive to map.
The Windows Timeout
command seems to actually be a "delay" command, equivalent of Unix sleep
, and not a timeout.
Is there a good way to have a real timeout for a net use
command, without aborting the entire .cmd script?
With a few mods I have no problem key was correcting %errorlevel% as no runtime delay was included/needed the drive mappings are spawned independently so the tasks can progress There should be a brief flash if all is well, otherwise if share is not found they should timeout naturally.
Advent is in my case another workstation rather than server. Change that back to mini3
@echo off
SET "host=Advent"
IF /I NOT "%host%"=="%COMPUTERNAME%" (
ping -4 -n 2 -w 1000 %host% | find "TTL=" > NUL
echo Q: == \\%host%\Q_ -- %host%-Volumes
START "Z Drive" net use Z: \\%host%\users /persistent:yes
START "Q Drive" net use Q: \\%host%\Q_ /persistent:yes
REM surplus from above line > NUL && echo OK
) ELSE (
echo %host% not found. Skipping.
rem delay this file so it waits to let the new connections process above
timeout 2
net use | find ":"