I am new to angular and currently using v7
I am trying to change the default time of a ngx-timepicker-field
when the user types in new time since the time is entered via keyboard and not with the clock face
<!-- removed classes to reduce the need to scroll/>
<div formArrayName="operatingTimes">
<div [formGroupName]="Monday">
<div >
<mat-checkbox formControlName="isOpen">Monday
<div >
<ngx-timepicker-field [format]="24" defaultTime="08:00" formControlName="openTime">
so my question is how is the users input registered and how does one retrieve the inputted value from what the user entered
You can use the eventEmitter timeChanged
to get new data when times change manually by user input :
<ngx-timepicker-field [format]="24" defaultTime="08:00" (timeChanged)="onChangeHour($event)"> </ngx-timepicker-field>
TS :