I'm having trouble understanding a strange behavior when trying to test my suspending Spring Kotlin @Controller function:
class PersonRSocketController(val personRepository: PersonRepository) {
private val sharedFlow = flow<Person> {
for (i in 1..1000) {
emit(Person(i.toLong(), firstName = "$i - firstName", lastName = "$i - lastName"))
}.buffer(100).shareIn(GlobalScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(replayExpirationMillis = 0),replay = 0)
suspend fun currentPersons(): Flow<Person?> {
return sharedFlow
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class RsocketServerAppTests @Autowired constructor(
val rSocketRequesterBuilder: RSocketRequester.Builder,
@LocalServerPort val serverPort: Int
) {
fun testRSocket() = runBlocking{
val requestSpec =
var result = requestSpec.retrieveFlow<PersonDataRequest>()
assertThat(result.first().firstName).isEqualTo("1 - firstName")
// for (i in 1..2) {
// }
When I run the test the test is not run - Maven reports that no tests were found.
When I uncomment the for-loop the test will run and pass. when I replace the for-loop with a println("")
the test will also run and pass. When I replace it with assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1)
the test will not run.
Can somebody explain this?
The test is not discovered by JUnit whenever its return type is not void
See JUnit test methods can't return a value. I think this is quite unfortunate for the issue I came across.