Looking for a package that implements the multivariate version of statsmodels.distributions.ECDF
If one doesn't exist I will implement it for inclusion in statsmodels (if accepted), but don't want to reinvent the wheel.
I see this: https://gitlab.com/stochastic-control/StOpt
It has pybind11 bindings, but not sure if there is a wheel in pip already making this available.
The upcoming release of statsmodels 0.13 includes basic support for copulas.
Empirical and non-parametric copula and multivariate distributions have mainly experimental code, that is currently not public, and not sufficiently tested and verified.
For example _ecdf_mv
(*) is currently a multivariate rankdata
function. It needs to be divided by the number of observations or converted to plotting positions to make it into a ECDF. Because copulas require continuous uniform margins, ties are randomly or arbitrarily broken.
(*) https://github.com/statsmodels/statsmodels/blob/main/statsmodels/distributions/tools.py#L424