I have a chrome extension that relies on detecting click event on seek bar of Netflix. The div ([data-uia=timeline-bar]) is added dynamically to dom once user hovers over the video player, so I tried to use event bubbling to listen to the event.
//after injecting jquery on page
console.log('click detected');
It didn't work out so I tried to add listener at capture phase. All click events are being detected but the seek bar click.
(e) => {console.log('click detected during capture phase')}
Is there a way to listen to the click event on ([data-uia=timeline-bar])?
Indeed, your goal needs hard work, as dom elements are created and deleted permanently. The only approach I can propose can certainly be considered as dirty, but you can try it at least ;)
$("[data-uia='player']").on("DOMSubtreeModified", function(){
const ref = "div[data-uia='timeline-knob']";
$(ref).off("mouseover").on("mouseover", function(event){
const that = $(this);
const previousSibling = event.target.previousSibling;
console.log("Click presumed");
else {
The trick is to observe the timeline-knob object, and analyse the situation upon the previous sibling div, because some repaints occur when the mouse is over the timeline.
It's just a workaround, I hope this can help you :) Have a nice day !
[EDIT 1]
A more elegant way :
const ref = "div[data-uia='timeline'].active";
const onclick = (e) => {
console.log("clicked on", e);
const prepare = (obj, e) => {
$(e.target).css("pointer-events","auto").css("border", "0.1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0)");
$(obj).off("click.test").on("click.test", (clickevent) => {onclick(clickevent.target);});
$("[data-uia='player']").on("DOMSubtreeModified", function(modevent){
$(ref).each(() => {
I had to face several difficulties :
I tested this code several times and it seems working fine ;)