
I am using python and opencv to take an image; however, the image quality is not displaying the correct size image

I am using python and opencv to take an image; however, the image quality is not displaying the correct sized image.

When I run:

import cv2

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

This is printing the following, even though it is an 8-megapixel camera:

640.0 480.0

why is the image quality so much lower in the image taken by OpenCV than is advertised by the camera manufacturer?


  • Sometimes the image quality can default to a lower resolution in OpenCV on a Raspberry Pi. You can manually set the resolution with the following function:

    import cv2
    def set_res(cap, width, height):
        cap.set(3, width)
        cap.set(4, height)
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    set_res(cap, 1920, 1080)   # For 1080P
    # set_res(cap, 3264, 2448)  <<< For full 8 megapixel capability

    Beware that if you choose to show the frame, it may be much larger than your computer screen depending on your own monitor's resolution.