
Python datatable - apply lambda to multiple columns

I am looking to apply a function to multiple columns to a datatable in Python. With R's data.table one would:

# columns to apply function to
x <- c('col_1', 'col_2')

# apply
df[, (x) := lapply(.SD, function(x) as.Date(x, "%Y-%m-%d")), .SDcols=x]

How would one do the same using Python's datatable? I have some knowledge of apply and lambda with pandas e.g.:

# create dummy data
df = pd.DataFrame({'col_1': ['2021-12-01']
                   , 'col_2': ['2021-12-02']
                   , 'col_3': ['foobar']

# columns to apply function to
x = ['col_1', 'col_2']

# apply
df[x] = df[x].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, format='%Y-%m-%d'))

but what is its equivalent in Python's datatable? This is assuming I insist on the use of apply and lambda. Thank you.

edit* I have changed from an UDF to a standard function pd.to_datetime as some of us mentioned the former is not possible while the latter is. Feel free to use any examples to illustrate apply in conjunction with datatable. Thank you


  • I recently made a PR showing ways to transform columns in datatable; it should be merged soon. Please feel free to comment and update it.

    To the question, you can directly assign, and also use the update method:

    from datatable import dt, f, update, Type, as_type
    DT0 = dt.Frame({'col_1': ['2021-12-01']
                       , 'col_2': ['2021-12-02']
                       , 'col_3': ['foobar']
    cols = ['col_1', 'col_2']
       | col_1       col_2       col_3 
       | str32       str32       str32 
    -- + ----------  ----------  ------
     0 | 2021-12-01  2021-12-02  foobar
    [1 row x 3 columns]

    Via reassignment:

    DT = DT0.copy()
    DT[:, cols] = DT[:, as_type(f[cols], Type.date32)]
       | col_1       col_2       col_3 
       | date32      date32      str32 
    -- + ----------  ----------  ------
     0 | 2021-12-01  2021-12-02  foobar
    [1 row x 3 columns]

    With Direct assignment, you can assign the f-expression to the column; this only works for single assignment:

    DT = DT0.copy()
    DT['col_1'] = as_type(f.col_1, Type.date32)
    DT['col_2'] = as_type(f.col_2, Type.date32)
       | col_1       col_2       col_3 
       | date32      date32      str32 
    -- + ----------  ----------  ------
     0 | 2021-12-01  2021-12-02  foobar
    [1 row x 3 columns]

    The update function works as well; I like the feature, especially for SQL window like operations, where I do not want the the order of the columns to change (datatable sorts when performing a groupby):

    DT = DT0.copy()
    DT[:, update(col_1 = dt.as_type(f.col_1, Type.date32), 
                 col_2 = dt.as_type(f.col_2, Type.date32))]
       | col_1       col_2       col_3 
       | date32      date32      str32 
    -- + ----------  ----------  ------
     0 | 2021-12-01  2021-12-02  foobar
    [1 row x 3 columns]

    Note that update is in-place; no re-assignment is required. For multiple columns, a dictionary can help to automate the process:

    columns = {col : as_type(f[col], Type.date32) for col in cols}
    {'col_1': FExpr<as_type(f['col_1'], date32)>,
     'col_2': FExpr<as_type(f['col_2'], date32)>}
    # unpack the dictionary within the datatable brackets
    DT = DT0.copy()
    DT[:, update(**columns)]
       | col_1       col_2       col_3 
       | date32      date32      str32 
    -- + ----------  ----------  ------
     0 | 2021-12-01  2021-12-02  foobar
    [1 row x 3 columns]