I have installed windows 10 IoT core on my Raspberry Pi 3B and connect my raspberry pi and my pc to the same connection. but when I want to run a simple program written in Visual Studio 2022. these errors appear:
Missing tools on -574456429: g++ gdb rsync zip
Could not resolve path '~/projects/Blink1/obj/ARM/Debug/'
the code:
#include <wiringPi.h>
// LED Pin - wiringPi pin 0 is BCM_GPIO 17.
// we have to use BCM numbering when initializing with wiringPiSetupSys
// when choosing a different pin number please use the BCM numbering, also
// update the Property Pages - Build Events - Remote Post-Build Event command
// which uses gpio export for setup for wiringPiSetupSys
#define LED 17
int main(void)
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
while (true)
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // On
delay(500); // ms
digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // Off
return 0;
.Windows 10 IoT core version is 10.0.17763.107
.Visual Studio version is 2022 preview
Any idea???
UPDATED: wiring pi is a Linux base library for raspberry pi. so I tried a simple XAML example (a simple Hello world text label). but the error was:
I installed the Visual Studio 2017 Community version instead of the Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise version (Preview) then the connection problem was solved.