So I'm trying to plot a functional response curve in ggplot2, to do this I am using the frait_fit() and frair_boot() functions from the frair package ( So I call frair_fit:
FRAM18.fitII<- frair_fit(eaten~density, data=FRAM18,
start = list(a = 1, h = 0.1),
fixed = list(T = 3))
and get this
> summary(FRAM18.fitII)
Length Class Mode
call 6 -none- call
x 56 -none- numeric
y 56 -none- numeric
response 1 -none- character
xvar 1 -none- character
yvar 1 -none- character
optimvars 2 -none- character
fixedvars 1 -none- character
coefficients 3 -none- numeric
sample 56 -none- numeric
fit 1 mle2 S4
And for frair_boot it looks like this:
FRAM18.bootII <- frair_boot(FRAM18.fitII, nboot=3000)
> summary(FRAM18.bootII)
Length Class Mode
call 6 -none- call
x 56 -none- numeric
y 56 -none- numeric
response 1 -none- character
xvar 1 -none- character
yvar 1 -none- character
optimvars 2 -none- character
fixedvars 1 -none- character
coefficients 3 -none- numeric
bootcoefs 9000 -none- numeric
sample 168000 -none- numeric
n_failed 1 -none- numeric
n_duplicated 1 -none- numeric
n_boot 1 -none- numeric
stratified 1 -none- logical
fit 11 boot list
I've tried using the predict and melt functions as outlined in this question How do I plot a mle2 fit of a model in ggplot2, along with the data? only to get:
> FRAM18.fitII2$mle2 <- predict(FRAM18.fitII,newdata=FRAM18.fitII2)
Error in UseMethod("predict") :
no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "c('frfit', 'list')"
With similar results with the boot function output.
I can create a graph using
plot(FRAM18.fitII$x,FRAM18.fitII$y, pch=20, col='skyblue2', xlim=c(0,300))
lines(FRAM18.fitII, col='skyblue3')
but I'd like something more visually appealing.
The frair package tells me it uses mle2 to do its calculations so I'm wondering if there is a way to still get its output into ggplot2
My data looks like this:
density | eaten |
180 | 40 |
180 | 4 |
160 | 70 |
180 | 55 |
100 | 13 |
50 | 16 |
25 | 4 |
15 | 15 |
140 | 46 |
160 | 22 |
25 | 25 |
50 | 0 |
25 | 18 |
160 | 11 |
100 | 6 |
50 | 50 |
100 | 75 |
15 | 9 |
15 | 15 |
140 | 138 |
140 | 140 |
Load packages and data, do initial fit:
newfit <- frair_fit(Killed~Initial, data=ReedfrogFuncresp,
start = list(a = 1, h = 0.1),
fixed = list(T = 1))
Here's a predict
method for the fitted model, which uses a bootstrap object (if provided) to construct confidence intervals:
#' @param object fitted frair model
#' @param newdata specified densities for prediction; data frame
#' with density column name matching that of original model (\code{object$xvar})
#' @param boot output of \code{frair_boot}
#' @param quantiles for confidence intervals
predict.frfit <- function(object, newdata = NULL, boot = NULL, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975)) {
fitfun <- get(object$response, pos = "package:frair")
if (!is.null(newdata)) {
newx <- newdata[[object$xvar]]
} else {
newx <- object$x
fitted <- fitfun(newx, as.list(object$coefficients))
if (is.null(boot)) return(fitted)
nms <- names(object$coefficients)
bootvars <- boot$fit$t[,names(boot$fit$t0) %in% nms]
colnames(bootvars) <- nms
bootres <- apply(bootvars, 1,
function(b) fitfun(newx, as.list(b)))
envelope <- t(apply(bootres, 1, quantile, quantiles))
ret <- data.frame(fitted, envelope)
names(ret) <- c(object$yvar, "lwr", "upr")
pframe0 <- with(ReedfrogFuncresp,
data.frame(Initial = seq(0, max(Initial), length = 101)))
## basic (predicted value only)
pframe <- data.frame(pframe0, Killed= predict(newfit, newdata=pframe0))
## with confidence intervals
b <- frair_boot(newfit, ncores=3, nboot=250)
pframe_b <- data.frame(pframe0, predict(newfit, newdata=pframe0, boot = b))
ggplot(ReedfrogFuncresp, aes(Initial, Killed)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(data = pframe_b) +
geom_ribbon(data = pframe_b, aes(ymin=lwr, ymax=upr),
colour = NA, alpha = 0.4)