In my component tests, I need to find a proper Input element.
I can find all of them by doing:
let loader: HarnessLoader = TestbedHarnessEnvironment.loader(fixture);
const inputs = await loader.getAllHarnesses(MatInputHarness);
But how can I find a proper input in the array?
Deep inside, each 'input' has the id because I see it:
console.log(`id: ${await inputs[0].getId()}`);
outputs the proper id.
Do I have to go in a loop through the whole list of inputs to check the id of every element? And call 'await' for each of those?
I'm afraid this might be too computational-heavy. Also, this just smells wrong.
How do I get a required input element by id?
Apparently (I'm really sarcastic here), the documentation is very useful.
By reading this ( I got the idea. After some learning and digging, here is some knowledge and later the solution.
So the code looks as follow:
await loader.getHarness(MatInputHarness.with({ selector: '#elementId' }));
Obviously, the selector can use the CSS standard. Search by class would be
{selector: '.className'}
P.S. Useful hint is that it is possible to optimize search and narrow down the scope by
const smallerScopeLoader = await loader.getChildLoader('#childComponent');