
Can someone tell me what's wrong?

const net = new brain.NeuralNetwork();

    input: [0, 0]
    output: [0]
    input: [1, 0]
    output: [1]
    input: [0, 1]
    output: [1]
    input: [1, 1]
    output: [0]

const diagram = document.getElementById('diagram')
diagram.innerHTML = brain.utilities.toSVG(net)

This should show me the neural network diagram but it doesn't I do have the HTML all set up and it's supposed to be working correctly but when I run it first it loads for longer than usual code does but I suppose its because I'm working with more complex stuff than usual and well I just get a blank screen so I would like if someone would help me out by telling me what the problem is

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script src="//" defer></script>
    <script src="index.js" defer> </script>
    <div id="diagram">Diagram </div>


  • Your import is this:

        <script src="//" defer></script>

    But needs to be this:

    <script src=""></script>

    https:// implies it will download it from a website, whereas yours // implies it will look on your local machine (your computer) for the file.

    Since you didn't download the file, it won't load anything.

    Maybe you want to use a different package, but the main issue is the import.