Warning: class 'com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory' is calling Class.getDeclaredFields on class.
After enabling proguard found some issues mentioned below:
Already refer the following bugs, but no luck:
Proguard issue while using GSON Using GSON with proguard enabled
I was able to fix this issue by doing three things to my proguard-rules.pro
First, makes sure ProGuard
doesn't change the names of any of your custom classes you serialize with Gson
. Let's say that you have a class called Classname
. To exempt it, add this to your progaurd-rules.pro
-keepclassmembernames class com.your.package.classname { <fields>; }
(Replace com.your.package.classname
with your actual package and class name)
I had to do this for like a dozen classes. Don't forget to exempt any member variables of those classes that are also custom. Exempt inner classes with classname$innerclass
instead of classname
Second, add the rules that the Gson
library recommends. They can be found here. Here they are as of writing:
##---------------Begin: proguard configuration for Gson ----------
# Gson uses generic type information stored in a class file when working with fields. Proguard
# removes such information by default, so configure it to keep all of it.
-keepattributes Signature
# For using GSON @Expose annotation
-keepattributes *Annotation*
# Gson specific classes
-dontwarn sun.misc.**
#-keep class com.google.gson.stream.** { *; }
# Application classes that will be serialized/deserialized over Gson
-keep class com.google.gson.examples.android.model.** { <fields>; }
# Prevent proguard from stripping interface information from TypeAdapter, TypeAdapterFactory,
# JsonSerializer, JsonDeserializer instances (so they can be used in @JsonAdapter)
-keep class * extends com.google.gson.TypeAdapter
-keep class * implements com.google.gson.TypeAdapterFactory
-keep class * implements com.google.gson.JsonSerializer
-keep class * implements com.google.gson.JsonDeserializer
# Prevent R8 from leaving Data object members always null
-keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation class * {
@com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName <fields>;
# Retain generic signatures of TypeToken and its subclasses with R8 version 3.0 and higher.
-keep,allowobfuscation,allowshrinking class com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken
-keep,allowobfuscation,allowshrinking class * extends com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken
##---------------End: proguard configuration for Gson ----------
Last, add in these two rules:
-dontwarn java.lang.reflect.**
-keep class kotlin.** { *; }
These are what fixed the nested null
issue I had - Of course, after I had done the above steps.