I think Im close, I just need to pass the $excelFile in Mail but it keeps saying its undefined, yet when I pass $truckstop_post it goes through but that data is not formatted correctly bc it didnt go through the Excel::create yet. How do I get the result of \Excel::create into the Mail::send??
public function truckstopPost()
$type = 'csv';
$truckstop_post = Loadlist::select('pick_city', 'pick_state', 'delivery_city', 'delivery_state', 'trailer_type', 'pick_date', 'load_type', 'length', 'width', 'height', 'weight', 'offer_money', 'special_instructions', 'company_contact', 'contact_phone')->where('urgency', 'OPEN')->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get();
$excelFile = \Excel::create('itransys', function($excel) use ($truckstop_post) {
$excel->sheet('mySheet', function($sheet) use ($truckstop_post)
$info = Load::find(8500);
$info = ['info'=>$info];
Mail::send(['html'=>'email.invoice_email_body'], $info, function($message) use ($info, $excelFile){
$message->from('mike@gmail.com', \Auth::user()->name);
$message->attachData($excelFile, 'Invoice.csv');
return back()->with('status', 'You Posted Truckstop!');
This is what the results look like if I pass $truckstop_post into attachData() but of course thats not a nicely formatted csv file
You can do it like so
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel as BaseExcel;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel;
$filename = "my_file.csv";
$attachment = Excel::raw(
new PurchaseOrderLinesExport($this->data),
$subject = "Purchase Order"
return $this->from($this->employee->email)
->subject("Purchase Order)
->attachData($attachment, $filename);
method creates/writes a temporary file and then gets its contents and delete after deleting that file.
Second Solution would be like this if you're using laravel:
public function build()
return $this->markdown('emails.report')
new AuditReport($this->audit),
)->getFile(), ['as' => 'report.xlsx']
returns a BinaryFileResponse
that's why it doesn't work directly, but you can grab the file.