
How to check an InputRadio radio button in Blazor by default

Using Blazor Server, I am trying to setup some radio buttons within a form and check the first one by default.

I'm using InputRadio within an EditForm and setting checked="checked" or checked="true" but it's not working, the button is unchecked.

Sample code below. TestModel is a class with a single int property called Number.

@page "/Test"

    <EditForm Model="@_model">
       <InputRadioGroup @bind-Value="_model.Number"> 
                <InputRadio id="1radio" Value="1" checked="checked" />
                <label for="1radio">1</label>

                <InputRadio id="2radio" Value="2" />
                <label for="2radio">2</label>


@code {
    private TestModel _model = new();


  • Instantiate your model with the default Number value set.

    private TestModel _model = new() { Number = 1 };