{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
DataKinds according to GHC User Guide, promotes datatype to a kind and constructors to type constructors.
Nat :: Type
'Zero :: Nat
'Succ :: Nat -> Nat
Q1. Types are sets of values, but how can I get term-level values of the promoted types?
In ghci, for example, bottom
is even not inhabitants of type `'Zero'.
λ: undefined :: 'Zero
<interactive>:3:14: error:
• Expected a type, but ‘'Zero’ has kind ‘Nat’
• In an expression type signature: 'Zero
In the expression: undefined :: 'Zero
In an equation for ‘it’: it = undefined :: 'Zero
Q2. Is type of kind Type
the only kind where term-level values can inhabit?
Q3. If there is no inhabitants in the promoted types, does this also mean the promoted types `'Zero' ''Succ' can only be used at type-level?
is the only kind with types inhabited by terms.'Zero
and 'Succ
can only be used at the type-level. But I think this is not so interesting an observation; it is also true that, say, Int
can only be used at the type-level.