Here's sample code:
set myExcelDB to {type:"excel", file:ResourcePath(testRunFilePath), name:"TestRun" ,writable: Yes}
put the records of myExcelDB into allTestRunRecords
repeat with each item of allTestRunRecords
put 1 into counter
put counter into currentRow.passed //why is this counter number not updated into my excel file?
end repeat
I had the counter values stored into the currentRow.passed field from the run window but the excel is not updated. Am I missing something? I wanted to store to the current row's "Passed" column.
Solve it by using put first record of xxx
set myExcelDB to {type:"excel", file:ResourcePath(testRunFilePath), name:"TestRun" ,writable: Yes}
put the records of myExcelDB into allTestRunRecords
repeat with each item of allTestRunRecords
put the first record of myExcelDB where ("ID") is it.ID into currentRow
put counter into currentRow.passed
end repeat