I'm strugging to rename files with content to SMB using com.hierynomus.smbj
Files are generated with content, but after renaming content is gone.
Following implementation renames files:
public void rename(String pathFrom, String pathTo) {
pathFrom = formatPath(pathFrom);
pathTo = formatPath(pathTo);
Set<SMB2ShareAccess> shareAccessSet = new HashSet<>();
Set<FileAttributes> fileAttributes = new HashSet<>();
Set<SMB2CreateOptions> createOptions = new HashSet<>();
SMB2CreateDisposition smb2CreateDisposition = SMB2CreateDisposition.FILE_OVERWRITE_IF;
if (isFolder(pathFrom)) {
smb2CreateDisposition = SMB2CreateDisposition.FILE_OPEN_IF;
else if (isFile(pathFrom)) {
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path '" + pathFrom + "' can't be resolved to file nor directory");
try (DiskEntry file = this.smbShare.open(pathFrom, of(AccessMask.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED), fileAttributes, shareAccessSet,
smb2CreateDisposition, createOptions)) {
file.rename(pathTo, true);
Maybe I messed up the attributes and options in smbShare.open
Hm.. I messed up with properties of SMB2CreateDisposition
The solution: smb2CreateDisposition = SMB2CreateDisposition.FILE_OPEN_IF;
instead of smb2CreateDisposition = SMB2CreateDisposition.FILE_OVERWRITE_IF;
The former opens (1.) or creates (2.) the file in question. The latter overwrites the existing file.