Is there a straightforward way to load a .csv file into Simplegeo Storage? I don't have great coding skills and I'm trying to get things set up so I can ask a freelancer to create some maps for my app. If someone has existing code to do this I can probably figure out how to make it work for my situation.
I just skimmed over the api. Here's a basic example in python
Assumed csv format:
layer, id, lat, lon
from simplegeo.models import Record, Client
lines = open('file.csv').split('\n')
client = Client('your-oauth-token', 'your-oauth-secret')
for line in lines:
parts = line.split(',')
if len(parts) == 4:
layer = parts[0].strip()
id = parts[1].strip()
lat = float(parts[2].strip())
lon = float(parts[3].strip())
r = Record(layer, id, lat, lon)
After a bit more digging, I found a python example on their site for this exact purpose
import csv
import simplegeo
OAUTH_TOKEN = '[insert_oauth_token_here]'
OAUTH_SECRET = '[insert_oauth_secret_here]'
CSV_FILE = '[insert_csv_file_here]'
LAYER = '[insert_layer_name_here]'
client = simplegeo.Client(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET)
def insert(data):
layer = LAYER
# Grab more columns if you wish
record = simplegeo.Record(layer,id,lat,lon,**data)
r = csv.DictReader(open(CSV_FILE, mode='U'))
for l in r: