Im trying to add the created list page as the first child of the parent Index page. The problem is that when I use django treebeard api django treebeard api it succeeds sometimes but other times it shows me an error:
{'path': ['Page with this Path already exists.']}
How can I solve this?
@receiver(post_save, sender=ListPage)
def move_page(sender, instance, **kwargs):
instance.move(instance.get_parent(), pos='first-child')
TreeBeard API Solution: you just need to changethe target node by a sibling or child of a parent node, not the parent node itself.
Pythonic Solution: You Can swap the page ID (Primary Key), first, create your page, then create a function to check all IDs and indicate your newly created page ID, then change the lowest ID number to be equal to the last child(which is your newly created page) + 1 and then change your page ID to the 1 or 0..!
NOTE: if you need to rearrange the entire pages, you better use --fix-tree management command in the terminal(like: python fixtree), and then go for steps mentioned above, you can also create a recursion function to do all the above at once..! I'll intentionally leave the chance for other developers to help you with recursion functions example(unless you can do it by yourself)..!