I am using Amazon DynamoDB for the database and am looking to go with a single table design.
My data types is Users, Posts, Categories, Comments, etc. I can get posts list but I need to get posts and user (author) data for each post (e.g firstName, lastName and etc)
Access patterns are expected to be as follows:
Fetch a user by its ID (Done)
but I need author info and categories details, too. (Author info and categories details for each post)I'm using Dynamoose:
const dynamoose = require("dynamoose");
const { Schema } = dynamoose;
const ServiceSchema = new Schema({
pk: {
type: String,
hashKey: true,
sk: {
type: String,
rangeKey: true,
id: {
type: String,
createdAt: {
type: Date,
default: new Date(),
index: {
global: true,
name: "createdAtIndex",
updatedAt: {
type: Date,
default: new Date(),
index: {
global: true,
name: "updatedAtIndex",
deleted: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
firstName: {
type: String,
lastName: {
type: String,
username: {
type: String,
index: {
global: true,
name: "usernameIndex",
userStatus: {
type: String,
enum: ["pending", "active"],
index: {
global: true,
name: "userStatusIndex",
categories: {
type: Array,
schema: [String],
title: String,
body: String,
publishStatus: {
type: String,
enum: ["pending", "published"],
index: {
global: true,
name: "publishStatusIndex",
module.exports = dynamoose.model("service", ServiceSchema, {
create: true,
Data (UPDATE: I decided to replace pk and sk:
So now PK is USER#1234
and SK is POST#5678
The response post that I need is something like it:
id: '1234',
title: 'Test',
body: 'This is body',
user: {
id: '5678',
firstName: 'David',
picture: 'myImage.jpg',
points: 12 // **This is very important. And it's the main issue. I need to change this value every day.**
categories: [
{ "id": "cat1", "name": "Sport" },
{ "id": "cat2", "name": "Cinema" }
UPDATE 1: This is a prototype of a social network.
I'm useing GraphQL. I also decided to replace pk and sk:
So now PK is USER#1234
and SK is POST#5678
NoSQL databases will often require you to denormalize your data to meet the access patterns of your applications. In other words, if you want this response:
id: '1234',
title: 'Test',
body: 'This is body',
user: {
id: '5678',
firstName: 'David',
picture: 'myImage.jpg'
categories: [
{ "id": "cat1", "name": "Sport" },
{ "id": "cat2", "name": "Cinema" }
you'll want to store all of this information in the same partition.
I can see from your screenshot that you are storing the user ID along with the post. However, you are not storing the user information you need along with the post (e.g. first name and picture). To solve your problem, you have a few approaches to consider:
(for example)