I have attempted to make a plotly chart that fits within a scrollable parent div:
data = {
Name: {0:'name1', 1:'name2', 2: 'name3',
3:'n4',4:'ewf',5:'dgag', 6:'faf', 7:'dfss',
8:'345',9:'9',10:'23435', 11:'2e345',12:'3345', 13:'a345',
14:'34g5', 15:'3f45'},
Count: {0:1023, 1:2345, 3:3875,4:234,5:3456, 6:84, 7:7763,
8:345,9:2345,10:2345, 11:2345,12:345, 13:345, 14:345,
Index: {0:35, 1:200, 2:160, 3:24,4:234,5:356, 6:84, 7:73,
8:345,9:2345,10:2345, 11:2345,12:345, 13:345, 14:345,
type: 'bar',
x: Object.values(data.Count),
y: Object.values(data.Name),
base: 0,
orientation: 'h'
type: 'bar',
x: Object.values(data.Index).map(function (e) {
e = e-100
return e
y: Object.values(data.Name),
base: 100,
orientation: 'h',
xaxis: 'x2',
yaxis: 'y'
height: 10*2.3*Object.keys(data.Index).length,
yaxis: {
automargin: true,
tickangle: 35
grid: {
rows: 1,
columns: 2,
subplots: [['xy', 'x2y']]
responsive: true
overflow-y: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;
display: inline-block;
height: 400px;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-WskhaSGFgHYWDcbwN70/dfYBj47jz9qbsMId/iRN3ewGhXQFZCSftd1LZCfmhktB" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="row loading pt-5 mt-md-3 mb-5">
<div class="col tpcs" id='p1'></div>
Based on the documentation here https://plot.ly/javascript/responsive-fluid-layout/, I have created a responsive plot:
I want the plot to overflow downwards, so that I can scroll down, but by setting responsive: true, the height defaults to the size of #p1, which is 400px.
Is there a straightforward way to make ONLY the width responsive? I would like to keep the manual height at 10*2.3*Object.keys(data.Index).length
Set your plot to responsive, then use this function (which triggers a window resize event in the browser) whenever you resize the parent:
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));