I'm looking for a solution, with it i can mark a selector in my scss files as deprecated. Then if i working on a html file and the same time want to use this "deprecated-selector" my IDE should mark the selector and should show a deprecation message to me. I would like to have something similar:
* @deprecated Please use '.ui-fresh__selector' instead!
.ui-old__selector {...}
...as like with JSDoc we do. It would be also fine to achieve this with .editorconfig
or with some linting tool. For example, it would be great if I could set an array in the configuration file, with all of those deprecated selectors...or something like this? 🤔 It would be also important to showing those deprecation message in the IDE, and not only later in the build/compiling phase. It's look like pretty hard to find a proper solution for it.
Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks Guys!
After some conversations we have a solution - sassdoc support in IDE!
Okay ...Almost there! The Team of Jetbrains already has a feature request! We only have to push some hundrends of VOTEs - they will then build in the Jetbrains IDEs.
Go for it folks!
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