
How to solve uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'getDisplayList' of null

seeing the same error as:

Error occurs when I use the the onEvents argument of Echarts to call on an external function. How do I get around it?

interface ParamsInterface {
    type: "datazoom";
    start: number;
    end: number;

interface TimeRange {
    start: number;
    end: number;

const [time, setTime] = useState<TimeRange>({start: 0, end: 100});

const onEvents = useMemo(
    () => ({
        dataZoom: (params: ParamsInterface) => {
            const newTime: TimeRange = {
                start: params.start,
                end: params.end,
    }), []

return <Echarts option={option} onEvents={onEvents} />


  • I'm assuming you're using echarts-for-react.

    Based on this discussion, you should avoid calling setState directly from the onEvents handler. Instead define the handler externally and wrap it with useCallback:

    const onDataZoom = useCallback((params: ParamsInterface) => {
            const newTime: TimeRange = {
                start: params.start,
                end: params.end,
        }, []);
    const onEvents = {
        dataZoom: onDataZoom