
gridview PageIndexChanging issue

I am trying to to loop through a dataset's value through the rows in a gridview and color in the text if that row matches.

The code below works however whenever I change the page through the PageIndexChanging and this function is ran again, the coloring doesn't work anymore. It still loops through the gridview if there is a match but the effects are not shown.

        --variable initialization class instantiation--

        --code to connect to db here--

        mySQLCommand.CommandText = "SELECT ..."
        mySQLAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(mySQLCommand)
        Me.MainPageGridView.DataSource = myDataset

        mySQLCommand.CommandText = "SELECT ... The ID's to be matched"
        mySQLAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(mySQLCommand)
        Me.MainPageGridView.DataSource = myDatasetNew

       For Each dataRow In myDataset.Tables(0).Rows
            thisID = dataRow("ID").ToString
            For Each gvRow In Me.MainPageGridView.Rows
                If gvRow.Cells(2).Text = thisID Then
                    For column = 0 To 14 Step 1
                        gvRow.Cells(column).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.RosyBrown
                    Exit For
                End If


  • Why don't you use MainPageGridView_RowDataBound event to match the id? I have re-factored your original code to something like below, please check and let me know if it works:

    'In DataBind or some other method
            mySQLCommand.CommandText = "SELECT ..."
            mySQLAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(mySQLCommand)
            'Load myDatasetNew and bind it to grid
            mySQLCommand.CommandText = "SELECT ... The ID's to be matched"
            mySQLAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(mySQLCommand)
            Me.MainPageGridView.DataSource = myDatasetNew

    and perform id matching in

    Protected Sub MainPageGridView_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles MainPageGridView.RowDataBound
            If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
                Dim id As String = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "ID") 'The name of ID column in "myDatasetNew"
                Dim dv As System.Data.DataView = myDataset.Tables(0).DefaultView
                dv.RowFilter = "ID = " & id
                If dv.Count > 0 Then 'id matches
                    'Change foreclor of entire row
                    e.Row.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.RosyBrown
                End If
            End If
        End Sub