i'm beginner in sqlalchemy, i want to reflect my table in database to object, but always return invalid password, even though the password is correct. I dont understand why this happend. When i try to inspect they return my table name, so my password, connection string or on create_engine is correct. when my database have no password is fine i can reflect it to Object, that's so weird. but why when i reflect database with password it's error, always return "Not a valid password" ??,
Error in Reflect but My Table name is returned
because I was curious I also made a test select data, and it turned out to be successful in retrieving the data
it's returned my data and success created connection
when i add some code for testing
I think all it's correct but why cannot reflect??, Please Help.
I have just released sqlalchemy-access version 1.1.1 to address this issue. Note that as described in Getting Connected if you want to use a pass-through ODBC connection string with an encrypted database you need to supply the password in two places:
driver = "{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}"
db_path = r"C:\Users\Public\test\sqlalchemy-access\gord_test.accdb"
pwd = "tiger"
connection_string = (
connection_uri = (
engine = sa.create_engine(connection_uri)