I am going to transmit the complex data produced from matlab by using usrp b210 and gnuradio on windows. gnuradio flowgraph is following:
Here, data type is complex. Problem: I want sample-rate is 20MHz or 30.72MHz, but gnuradio is stoped, logging out 'UUUUUUU...' or 'UUOUUUUU...'.
why?, and how to fix it? please help me. thanks.
GRC will even warn you that you must not use a throttle block in your flow graph if you have hardware. Read the console log!
Other than that, you're expecting your storage to read and write simultaneously 16 MS/s · (32 bit I + 32 bit Q) = 1.024 Gb/s, reliably. It's also not very likely it's fast enough to do that.