
Why am I getting TypeError list indices must be integers or slices , not str while passing arguments to multiprocessing pool?

I'm trying to implement multiprocessing for image processing from multiple folders, when I use multiprocessing library I'm trying to pass multiple arguments to the pool function but I'm getting type error, my code is as below:

def augment(args):
       imgs = args[0]
       bpath = args[1]
       dictcount = args[2]
       for img in imgs:
def main():
       basepath = 'some path'
       count_dict = {some dict}
       allImagepaths = sorted(list(paths.list_images(basepath))
       procs = no_cores if no_cores > 0 else cpu_count()
       procids = list(range(0,procs))
       noImgsproc = len(allImagepaths) /float(procs)
       noImgsproc = int(np.ceil(noImgsproc))
       chunkpaths = list(chunk(allImagepaths,noImgsproc))
       payloads = [ ]
       for (i,imgpaths) in enumerate(chunkpaths):
            data = {"id":i,"input_paths":imgpaths}
       pool = Pool(processes = procs),[[payloads,basepath,count_dict]])

when I run this I get error as below

File "aug_imgs.pylin 306, in main,[[payloads,basepath,count_dict]])

File "C:\Users\rob\anaconda3\envs\retinanet\lib\multiprocessing\", line 364, in map return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()
File "C:\Users\rob\anaconda3\envs\retinanet\lib\multiprocessing\", line 771, in get raise self._value
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

but if I pass only one argument with a function code runs perfectly without error there I'm passing as imgs = args in augment() as below,payloads)

what am I doing wrong any help solving this will be appreciated, thanks in advance


  • Break down your processing function to work on a single image, then pass the collection of images to the process pool. You can set additional constant parameters by using functools.partial:

    from functools import partial
    def augment(base_path, count_dict, image):
        # do something with base_path & count_dict
    def main():
        # assuming base_path and count_dict are defined here
        partial_augment = partial(augment, base_path, count_dict)
        pool = Pool(), images)