
Warning of 409 Conflict issue in API while creating the same group again after deleting the group in Google workspace and from admin console

We are using admin SDK API for creating a group in domain by GDriveFlow app. After existing group in Google workspace admin console, We deleted this group and again creating the same group with API then we are getting the below error message:

409 Conflict
  "code": 409,
  "errors": \[
      "domain": "global",
      "message": "Entity already exists.",
      "reason": "duplicate"
  "message": "Entity already exists."

When we checked the same group there is no existing same group in Google workspace admin console.

When we are creating the same group from Google workspace admin console and it is saying :

"A group or alias already exists with this email" .

But when I am searching the group in Google workspace admin console, I am not getting this group in console.

When I am searching same group with Method: groups.aliases.list in API explorer and getting: 404 not found msg in attached screen shot .

Can you please let me know why is this happening and not creating the group even it is not in domain ?

I have also reported this issue in Google Issue tracker at :

I am attaching the screenshots for creation of Group with these methods:

1- Manual by admin console, 2- SDK API by application, 3- By API explorer in Google workspace as below:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here


  • Google Support Team replied me as :

    "It looks like we might be affected by an known issue in Google Workspace Groups and there is a workaround available."

    So they told me if this type of issue comes then do these steps as below:

    These steps are using the UI but this may be achieved by using the APIs as well.

    A. Create a new user with this group mail Id(Old mail Id)

    1. Browse to:
    2. Click Add new user
    3. Enter “primary email address” with with same email Id(old) and other required fields
    4. Click ADD NEW USER

    B. Delete user created in the previous step:

    1. Browse to:
    2. Add filter Email
    3. Enter email address used for previous user creation
    4. Click APPLY
    5. Click on the user to navigate to their profile of that group mail id as user into domain
    6. In left pane, click DELETE USER
    7. Select Don’t transfer data
    8. Click DELETE USER

    C. Proceed to perform the action that was previously blocked and again create the group with same email Id.

    This will resolve the issue.