
Do I need sRGB v4 or sRGB v2 when exporting to the web?

Before exporting my image to the web, I want to convert them to sRGB and then remove the sRGB profile from the image (to reduce it's size, as sRGB is the default profile to use if there is no embedded icc profile). I was thinking that there is only one sRGB icc profile, but I discovered there are many variants! For example on, there is sRGB v4 (which is included in distribution of Imagemagick) and sRGB v2.

So with sRGB profile I need to choose the correct one to convert my picture for exporting to the web? Why are there so many different sRGB profiles. ( ?


  • ICCv4 is better if it does use parametric curve encoding. Profiles from ICC even in v4 do not use that. ICCv2 (does not support para) will only use 1024 1DLUT that does have linear part but still worse than para curve. Use this: