
EasyAdmin choiceField bug Symfony

I think there's a bug in EasyAdmin 3.5.9, but before creating an issue in GitHub, I would like to have people's opinion.

In my User CRUD, I wanted to be able to edit the user role, which wasn't displying by default. So I added it like so in UserCrudController class:

public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
    $roles = [
        'User'   => 'ROLE_USER',
        'Agency' => 'ROLE_AGENCY',
        'Admin'  => 'ROLE_ADMIN'

    return [
        // ...
        // ...

Here is how it looks in User entity:

 * @see UserInterface
public function getRoles(): array
    $roles = $this->roles;

    $roles[] = 'ROLE_USER';
    $roles[] = 'ROLE_AGENCY';
    $roles[] = 'ROLE_ADMIN';

    return array_unique($roles);

public function setRoles(array $roles): self
    $this->roles = array_values($roles);

    return $this;

Actually, when I want to edit a user with EasyAdmin by selecting one of these choices, it save the right value in database. But when I come back on the same user to edit it, still all choices are displaying in the field, like I did nothing before. So it seems to be more a displaying issue than a data saving issue.

Here is a quick screen record to understand better:

Hope you can help me.


  • Your UserInterface::getRoles() is manually adding all the roles back in with the set roles. The method should only need the following:

    public function getRoles(): array
        return array_unique($this->roles);