In order to create PlaceKey for addresses to link some of my tables, I need to split an address column in SnowFlake.
I am not familiar with JavaScript, but I tried Javascript UDF in SnowFlake. Then I don't know how to deal with the addresses like '123_45ThSt'.
The output of my function is like '123_45 Th St'. I am stuck here.
The expected output is '123 45Th St'. Hope someone could help me out. Much appreciated!
Below is another example and my SnowFlake SQL code:
Original address column: 12345NE17ThSt
The expected column: 12345 NE 17Th St
My function's output: 12345 NE17 ST
My function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Split_On_Upper_Case(s string)
RETURNS string
AS '
function Split_On_Upper_Case(str){
str=str.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).join(" ")
return str
// Now call the function
return Split_On_Upper_Case(S);
Assuming the format of street address, which includes number + word (ends with lower case or number) + word (start with upper case), I have below solution:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Split_On_Upper_Case(s string)
RETURNS string
AS $$
regexp = /([0-9]+)(NE|SE|NW|SW)?(.*[0-9a-z]{1})([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+)/g;
splits = regexp.exec(S.replace(/_/g, " "));
if (splits && splits.length == 5) {
splits[1].trim() + " " +
(splits[2] ? splits[2].trim() + " ": "" ) +
splits[3].trim() + " " +
return "not found" // or whatever you want to do
Then try to run the function:
select Split_On_Upper_Case('12345NE17ThSt');
-- 12345 NE 17Th St
select Split_On_Upper_Case('123_45ThSt');
-- 123 45Th St
select Split_On_Upper_Case('35TestSt');
-- 35 Test St
It returns expected output, but if you have more sample inputs, they can help to validate.