
how can I store a Map type in my box ? I use Flutter Objectbox

I cannot save the Map type in my box, the songInfo attributes

class PlaylistItem {
  int id = 0;
  int recentIndex;
  Map<String, Object> songInfo;
    this.recentIndex = 0,
    this.songInfo = const <String, Object>{} ,

When I run: flutter pub run build_runner build it ignores songInfo
WARNING : skipping property 'songInfo' in entity 'PlaylistItem', as it has an unsupported type: 'Map<String, Object>'
Why is Map an unsupported type? How do I store Map? please I need help (with an example would be welcome)


  • You would need to create a custom converter as seen here https://docs.objectbox.io/advanced/custom-types

    Your best bet would probably be to convert it to json and store that as a String. Untested, but you would need something like the following. Although, the Object portion of your map makes it a tad trickier, you would also have to write a way to serialize the object to json/string as well

      String? get dbSaveSongInfo=>
          songInfo== null ? null : json.encode(songInfo);
      set dbSaveSongInfo(String? value) {
        if (value == null) {
          songInfo= null;
        } else {
          songInfo= Map.from(
              json.decode(value).map((k, v) => MapEntry(k as String, v(handle your 2nd conversion here));