I have a large data set around 25million records I am using searchAfter with PointInTime to walk through the data My question is there a way where I can skip records over the limit of 10000
and start picking the records for example from 100,000 up to 105,000
right now I am sending multiple requests to Elasticsearch until I reach the desired point but it is not efficient and it is consuming a lot of time
Here is how I did it :
I calculated how many pages I needed to do the pagination.
Then the user will send a request with page number i.e number 3. So in this case only when I reach the desired page I will set the source to true.
this I best I managed to do to improve the performance and reduce the response size for none required pages
int numberOfPages = Pagination.GetTotalPages(totalCount, _size);
var pitResponse = await _esClient.OpenPointInTimeAsync(content._index, p => p.KeepAlive("2m"));
if (pitResponse.IsValid)
IEnumerable<object> lastHit = null;
for (int round = 0; round < numberOfPages; round++)
bool fetchSource = round == requiredPage;
var response = await _esClient.SearchAsync<ProductionDataItem>(s => s
.Sort(srt => {
if (content.Sort == 1) { srt.Ascending(sortBy); }
else { srt.Descending(sortBy); }
return srt; })
if (fetchSource)
lastHit = response.Hits.Last().Sorts;
//Closing PIT
await _esClient.ClosePointInTimeAsync(p => p.Id(pitResponse.Id));
I think the best way to do it
by keeping scrolling via Point in time and only loading the result when the desired page is reached by using the .source(bool)