I'm trying to display a custom SwiftUI view similar to a Toast in Android. My issue is that I would like to display this particular view above everything else, using the current UIWindow.
Currently, while working on static func displayToastAboveAll()
located in my ToastView
, this is how far i got
public struct ToastView: View {
static func displayToastAboveAll() {
let window = UIApplication.shared.windows.filter { $0.isKeyWindow }.first // window
let viewToShow = ToastView(my params) // my view to display
// This part I'm not sure of
let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: viewToShow)
public var body: some View {
// MyDesign
Any idea how should I use the window to put the ToastView at its proper place, and still being able to navigate within the app (and use the outlets) while having the view displayed ?
I managed to do what I wanted. Basically, this code is working, but I had to remove some constraints from my SwiftUI view and add them with UIKit using the static func. Also, I had to pass by a modifier (see below) and put ToastView init in private.
public struct ToastModifier: ViewModifier {
public func body(content: Content) -> some View {
extension View {
public func toast() -> some View {
return modifier(ToastModifier())
This is done to force the use of either modifier (SwiftUI, by doing .toast
, just like you'd do .alert) or directly by calling the static func ToastView.displayToastAboveAll()
Indeed, I dont wont this Toast to be a part of the view, I want to trigger it like an alert.
Finally, special warning because passing ToastView
into UIHostingViewController
will mess with some of the animations.
I had to rewrite animations in UIKit in order to have a nice swipe & fade animation.