Why doobie can't convert query as Option[A]?
abstract class CRUDAbs[A: Read](val tableName: String) extends TransactSQL {
def table: Fragment = Fragment.const(s"$tableName")
def columnsList: Array[String] = {
val cls = classTag[A].runtimeClass
def columns: Fragment = Fragment.const(columnsList.mkString(","))
def find(id: Int): doobie.Query0[Option[A]] =
(sql"select " ++ columns ++ sql" from " ++ table ++ sql" where " ++ Fragment.const(
) ++ sql" = $id").query[Option[A]]
I get an error
Cannot find or construct a Read instance for type:
What am I missing?
If I restored your code fragment correctly it's something like
import doobie.Read
import doobie.implicits.toSqlInterpolator
import doobie.util.fragment.Fragment
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
object App {
val snakeCase = ???
abstract class CRUDAbs[A: Read: ClassTag](val tableName: String) /*extends TransactSQL*/ {
def table: Fragment = Fragment.const(s"$tableName")
def columnsList: Array[String] = {
val cls = classTag[A].runtimeClass
def columns: Fragment = Fragment.const(columnsList.mkString(","))
def find(id: Int): doobie.Query0[Option[A]] =
(sql"select " ++ columns ++ sql" from " ++ table ++ sql" where " ++ Fragment.const(
) ++ sql" = $id").query[Option[A]]
The whole compile error is
Cannot find or construct a Read instance for type:
This can happen for a few reasons, but the most common case is that a data
member somewhere within this type doesn't have a Get instance in scope. Here are
some debugging hints:
- For Option types, ensure that a Read instance is in scope for the non-Option
- For types you expect to map to a single column ensure that a Get instance is
in scope.
- For case classes, HLists, and shapeless records ensure that each element
has a Read instance in scope.
- Lather, rinse, repeat, recursively until you find the problematic bit.
You can check that an instance exists for Read in the REPL or in your code:
scala> Read[Foo]
and similarly with Get:
scala> Get[Foo]
And find the missing instance and construct it as needed. Refer to Chapter 12
of the book of doobie for more information.
) ++ sql" = $id").query[Option[A]]
Please notice For Option types, ensure that a Read instance is in scope for the non-Option version.
There is an instance of type class Read
for type Option[A]
provided there is an instance of type class Get
for type A
implicit def fromGetOption[A](implicit ev: Get[A]): Read[Option[A]] =
new Read(List((ev, Nullable)), ev.unsafeGetNullable)
So try to modify definition of class CRUDAbs
using doobie.Get
abstract class CRUDAbs[A: Get: ClassTag](val tableName: String)
Actully, let's return to Read
context bound. It turns out ("Chapter 12 of the book of doobie" mentioned in the above compile error) that the type class Get
is for non-optional (non-nullable) single-variable (single-column) types while the type class Put
is also for optional (nullable) or multi-variable (vector) types. Just let's define an implicit similar to Read.fromGetOption
implicit def fromGetOption[A](implicit ev: Get[A]): Read[Option[A]] =
new Read(List((ev, Nullable)), ev.unsafeGetNullable)
namely let's define
implicit def fromReadOption[A: Read]: Read[Option[A]] = Read[A].map(Some(_)) // Read[A].map(Option(_))
Now the following code compiles
import doobie.Read
import doobie.implicits.toSqlInterpolator
import doobie.util.fragment.Fragment
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
object App {
val snakeCase = ???
implicit def fromReadOption[A: Read]: Read[Option[A]] = Read[A].map(Some(_))
abstract class CRUDAbs[A: Read: ClassTag](val tableName: String) /*extends TransactSQL*/ {
def table: Fragment = Fragment.const(s"$tableName")
def columnsList: Array[String] = {
val cls = classTag[A].runtimeClass
def columns: Fragment = Fragment.const(columnsList.mkString(","))
def find(id: Int): doobie.Query0[Option[A]] =
(sql"select " ++ columns ++ sql" from " ++ table ++ sql" where " ++ Fragment.const(
) ++ sql" = $id").query[Option[A]]
case class Chain0(i: Int)
case class Chain(i: Int, s: String)
case class Chain1(i: Int, s: Option[String])
class CRUDChain0 extends CRUDAbs[Chain0]("chain") // compiles
class CRUDChain extends CRUDAbs[Chain]("chain") // compiles
class CRUDChain1 extends CRUDAbs[Chain1]("chain") // compiles
Or don't define the implicit fromReadOption
but replace the context bound with two implicit parameters
abstract class CRUDAbs[A: ClassTag](val tableName: String)(implicit r: Read[A], optR: Read[Option[A]])
abstract class CRUDAbs[A: Read : ClassTag](val tableName: String)(implicit optR: Read[Option[A]])
or in kind-projector syntax
abstract class CRUDAbs[A: Read : λ[X => Read[Option[X]]] : ClassTag](val tableName: String)