In order to streamline my theming I'd like to reference to a custom color I defined and then pass it through a function to get a lighter or darker variant.
I extend the default color theme using the following (partial) code:
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: {
DEFAULT: '#325889',
light: '#5aacbb',
lighter: '#5ebebf',
Now my goal is to somehow reference the colors.primary
in another custom color variant to pass it into a custom function, something like this:
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: {
DEFAULT: '#325889',
light: '#5aacbb',
lighter: '#5ebebf',
gradient: {
'0\/3': this.theme.extend.colors.primary,
'1\/3': getGradientStop(this.theme.extend.colors.primary, this.theme.extend.colors.primary.lighter, 33.333),
'2\/3': getGradientStop(this.theme.extend.colors.primary, this.theme.extend.colors.primary.lighter, 66.666),
'3\/3': this.theme.extend.colors.primary.lighter,
However, I can't seem to reference the primary color in any way. I tried this.colors.primary
, this.theme.extend.colors.primary
but can't seem to get it up and running.
Any clues on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.
You can create new variable to keep the value of your extended colors:
const primary = '#325889';
const primaryLight = '#5aacbb';
const primaryLighter = '#5ebebf';
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: {
DEFAULT: primary,
light: primaryLight,
lighter: primaryLighter,
gradient: {
'0\/3': primary,
'1\/3': getGradientStop(primary, primaryLighter, 33.333),
'2\/3': getGradientStop(primary, primaryLighter, 66.666),
'3\/3': primaryLighter,