I am trying to model a garage which has cars available to drive. Then as times goes by cars need some repairs and they become unavailable. Once the car is repaired it goes back to the garage.
I was wondering if you can model such a system where you can keep looping the same cars back into the garage? Also, interested in tracking the unavailability of the cars...
Yes you can. Here is a example of a garage where cars get pulled from service for maintenance. Note when a car needs maintenance it may not be in the garage.
Simple simulation of resources that get pulled from service for maintenance
Programmer: Michael R. Gibbs
import simpy
import random
class Car():
The resouces
Cars require maintenance at random intervals
If maintenace is required while the car is in use, maintenace is done
when it is returned to the garage.
def __init__(self,env , id, garage):
self.env = env
self.id = id
self.garage = garage
self.needs_repair = False
self.down_time = 0
def repair_events(self):
Flags when the car needs maintenace
yield self.env.timeout(random.randint(15,20))
self.needs_repair = True
# checks if car is in the garge and can have maintence
class Garage():
Manages the car resources
does repairs on the cars when needed
def __init__(self, env, numOfCars):
self.env = env
self.store = simpy.Store(env,numOfCars)
self.store.items = [Car(env, id + 1, self) for id in range(numOfCars) ]
def need_repairs(self, car):
Notifies the garage that the car needs maintenace
If the car is in the garage then it is pulled from service,
has it maintenace done, and then put back in service
If the car is not in the garage, maintence is done when the
car returns to the garage
if car in self.store.items:
print(self.env.now, f"car {car.id} needs maintenance and is in the garage")
yield env.process(self.make_repairs(car))
def make_repairs(self, car):
Do maintenace on a car
print(self.env.now, f'making repairs to car {car.id}')
repair_time = random.randint(2,5)
yield self.env.timeout(repair_time)
car.needs_repair = False
car.down_time += repair_time
print(self.env.now,f'finished repairs to car {car.id}')
def put(self, car):
Return a car back to the garage
Checks if car needs maintenace
print (self.env.now, f'car {car.id} has return to the garage')
if car.needs_repair:
yield env.process(self.make_repairs(car))
def get(self):
Pulls a car from the garage
car = yield self.store.get()
print(self.env.now, f"car {car.id} is leaving the garage")
return car
def use_car(env, garage):
Process for getting a car, use it for a random time, and return it to the garage
print(env.now,f"starting use car process with {len(garage.store.items)} cars in the garage")
car = yield env.process(garage.get())
print(env.now, f'using car {car.id}')
yield env.timeout(random.randint(1,4))
yield env.process(garage.put(car))
print(env.now,f'returned car {car.id}')
def sched_cars(env,garage):
Generates requests for cars
while True:
yield env.timeout(random.randint(1,5))
# boot up the simulation
env = simpy.Environment()
garage = Garage(env,10)
env.process(sched_cars(env, garage))
for car in garage.store.items:
print(f'car {car.id} down time is {car.down_time}')