
Android SDK Route Navigation Customization

hello i'm trying to customize here navigation inside my app

is it possible to change the thickness of the route line inside the nav ( similar thread Android HereMaps SDK Route Line Thickness? )?

is it possible to change the maximum/minimum zoom while I'm using NavigationManager.MapUpdateMode.ROADVIEW?

and finally is it possible to move mapView.positionIndicator at the bottom of the screen inside navigation?


    1. Thickness of MapRoute object can't be adjusted.
    2. There is no way to adjust max/min zoom level for ROADVIEW, you can try ROADVIEW_NOZOOM instead and control zooming by yourself.
    3. Please use Map.setTransformCenter to control the map movement center (number of pixel). For example, you have an 1080*1920 screen, you can use map.setTransformCenter(new PointF((540.0), (1162.8))); to shift the map movement center lower.