
Is there a way to customize int_search in minizinc?

I am dealing with graph coloring problem and want to know if I can specify the search strategy. I found the search annotations, such as int_search(q, first_fail, indomain_min), but for example, I want the algorithm to choose the next nodes with the highest node degree in the assumption that it will lead to quicker failures since nodes with a high degree remove the color from the domain of many variables (its neighbors). So can I do that?


  • (Here I assume that by degree you mean the number of variables that is connected to a specific variable.)

    Unfortunately, MiniZinc don't supports user-defined search strategies. See the complete listing of supported search annotations: .

    (MiniSearch,, is an old project that was meant to give this functionality, but it's not integrated in the current version of MiniZinc. I hope that MiniZinc v3 will have this functionality.)

    Also, MiniZinc don't have any reflection function for getting the degrees of a variable, otherwise one could have used that for the search.

    The closest existing search strategies are probably:

    Note that it's not certain that all FlatZinc solvers support these search strategies.

    (occurence has - by the way - been a favorite to try if first_fail don't work as well as expected for traditional CP solvers.)

    Another thing: There are some FlatZinc solvers - especially Chuffed,Google OR-tools CP-SAT, and perhaps PicatSAT - that use SAT / Lazy clause technology, that is often much faster with the free search flag (-f), i.e. ignoring the search annotations, and they are - if possible - often good to at least try. You can see the performance of the FlatZinc solver at the last year's MiniZinc Challenge:

    Nowadays, I tend to use test larger models with a couple of FlatZinc solvers, especially the one mentioned above.