I'd like to have Symfony configuration files as XML files.
I know, there are many code examples in the symfony-book but not all configurations-types are shown.
Is there any way to convert the existing YAML files given from the Symfony demo project to XML files to use these files as a base?
I found a dumper class in /Symfony/vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Dumper/XmlDumper.php
but I don't know if this tool is useful for my problem, never mind how to use it.
As far as I know, there is no generic Yaml-to-XML dumper in Symfony. I found this comment from Fabien's blog back at the end of 2009:
Fabien — December 21, 2009 10:38 #3
@simo: You can have create a generic converter from XML to YAML or vice-versa, because the semantics are quite different. In symfony, we support both YAML and XML, but the conversion is hand-crafted for each feature.
However, many 3rd-party bundles (including most of the FriendsOfSymfony bundles) have chosen to use XML as their configuration format. You can browse through code on github for examples, or if you have a specific conversion question, you can bring it here to StackOverflow.