
Map sap:quickinfo into generated Java entity with odata-core

I create an OData client from an EDMX file using com.sap.cloud.sdk.datamodel.odata-core (https://sap.github.io/cloud-sdk/docs/java/features/odata/generate-typed-odata-v2-and-v4-client-for-java).

My EDMX file contains the properties with sap:quickinfo values like

<Property Name="NAME" sap:label="C-Name" sap:heading="CUST" sap:quickinfo="Customer Name" [...] >

The generated fields looks like this

    @ODataField(odataName = "NAME")
    private String nAME;

and I need an additional annotation like @Quickinfo("Customer Name").

Is there any way I can get this quickinfo mapped into an annotation to the generated entity?

I use this parameters for the generator:



  • Disclaimer: I'm a member of the SAP Cloud SDK for Java development team.

    The SAP Cloud SDK's OpenApi generator is a wrapper of the open source OpenApi Generator (we are using version 5.0.0-beta3). Therefore, our wrapper supports only features that are also supported by the mentioned open source variant.

    Unfortunately, creating arbitrary Attribute classes for properties of the service specification is not a supported feature as of now.