I have a MultiPolygon list in wkt format and I have to get the coordinates from those points.
Could anyone help me please? Thanks in advance
You can use the Shapely Python module to parse WKT geometry and extract the coordinates.
Try this:
import shapely.wkt
shapes = [ 'MULTIPOLYGON (((69.0 41.0, 69.0 41.4, 69.4 41.4, 69.4 41.0, 69.0 41.0)), ((59.0 42.0, 59.0 42.4, 59.4 42.4, 59.4 42.0, 59.0 42.0)))' ]
for shape in shapes:
shapelyObject = shapely.wkt.loads(shape)
for polygon in shapelyObject:
coords = list(polygon.exterior.coords)
[(69.0, 41.0), (69.0, 41.4), (69.4, 41.4), (69.4, 41.0), (69.0, 41.0)]
[(59.0, 42.0), (59.0, 42.4), (59.4, 42.4), (59.4, 42.0), (59.0, 42.0)]