I am trying to write a basic std::any alternative to use in my code, the reason is that i want to replace the templated std::any_cast with a conversion operator.
the use case is to add some introspection/reflection to structure and finally be able to ask a structure for its exposed members and access them by name ( as with a key in std::map ).
added functions to structure should be potentially virtual, templated class will not work.
the code actually look like this :
// "std::any" like type that hold a "reference" to any type using a void*
// -> keep track of original type using "std::type_info"
// -> provide a "conversion operator" instead of "std::any_cast<T>"
// -> default initialized aRef object will only fail with std::bad_cast{}
struct aRef {
constexpr aRef() : ptr(nullptr), is_const(false), type(typeid(void)) { }
template<typename T> explicit aRef(T* in) : ptr(in), is_const(false), type(typeid(T)) { }
template<typename T> explicit aRef(const T* in) : ptr(const_cast<T*>(in)), is_const(true), type(typeid(T)) { }
template<typename T> operator T&() {
std::cout<<"operator T&() ";
if (is_const) std::cout<<"----> make compiler issue an error !!! "<<std::endl;
else std::cout<<std::endl;
if (typeid(T) == type) return *( static_cast<T*>(ptr) );
else throw std::bad_cast{};
template<typename T> operator const T&(){
std::cout<<"operator const T&() "<<std::endl;
if (typeid(T) == type) return *( static_cast<T*>(ptr) );
else throw std::bad_cast{};
private :
void* const ptr;
const bool is_const;
std::type_info const& type;
// what it should achieve :
// T& = aRef( T*) --> ok
// T& = aRef(const T*) --> not ok, break constness
// T = aRef( T*) --> ok
// T = aRef(const T*) --> ok
// const T& = aRef( T*) --> ok
// const T& = aRef(const T*) --> ok
// the structure to instrument
struct MDATA {
double A;
double B;
// instrumentation code , functions can be polymorphic
// functions only -> zero overhead in size
aRef operator[](const std::string& key) {
if (key == "A") return aRef(&A);
else if (key == "B") return aRef(&B);
else return aRef();
aRef operator[](const std::string& key) const {
if (key == "A") return aRef(&A);
else if (key == "B") return aRef(&B);
else return aRef();
// dummy function
void do_something(const double& x) { }
int main () {
MDATA data {0.2,1.2};
// T& = aRef( T*) --> ok
std::cout<<" T& = aRef( T*)... ";
double& xx = data["A"];
xx = 125.0; do_something(xx);
// T = aRef( T*) --> ok
std::cout<<" T = aRef( T*)... ";
double xx = data["B"];
xx = -521.0; do_something(xx); // local !!
// const T& = aRef( T*) --> ok
std::cout<<" const T& = aRef( T*)... ";
const double& xx = data["A"];
const MDATA& cdata = data;
// T& = aRef( const T*) --> not ok
std::cout<<" T& = aRef( const T*)... ";
double& xx = cdata["A"];
xx = 125.0; do_something(xx);
// T = aRef(const T*) --> ok
std::cout<<" T = aRef( const T*)... ";
double xx = cdata["B"];
xx = -521.0; do_something(xx); // local !!
// const T& = aRef(const T*) --> ok
std::cout<<" const T& = aRef( const T*)... ";
const double& xx = cdata["A"];
return 0;
Now this is the result generated by gcc 11.1 :
| | |
| --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| T& = aRef( T*) | operator T&() |
| T = aRef( T*) | operator T&() |
| const T& = aRef( T*) | operator const T&() |
| T& = aRef( const T*) | operator T&() ----> make compiler issue an error !!! |
| T = aRef( const T*) | operator T&() ----> make compiler issue an error !!! |
| const T& = aRef( const T*) | operator const T&() |
and the one generated by clang 11.1
| | |
| --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| T& = aRef( T*) | operator T&() |
| T = aRef( T*) | operator const T&() |
| const T& = aRef( T*) | operator const T&() |
| T& = aRef( const T*) | operator T&() ----> make compiler issue an error !!! |
| T = aRef( const T*) | operator const T&() |
| const T& = aRef( const T*) | operator const T&() |
As you can see , Clang give desired behavior and not Gcc, the proble is the call of conversion operator when assigning to value ( T = aRef(.) ) which is the const method for clang ( seems logical to me ) and other for Gcc.
So my questions :
You sample can be simplified to:
struct S
int n1 = 1;
const int n2 = 2;
//template<typename T> operator T&() { return n1; }
template<typename T> operator const T&() { return n2; }
int main()
S s;
int n = s;
std::cout << n << std::endl;
gcc gives
error: cannot convert 'S' to 'int' in initialization
And according to Non-class_initialization_by_conversion
the non-explicit user-defined conversion functions of S and its base classes (unless hidden) that produce type T or a type convertible to T by a standard conversion sequence, or a reference to such type. cv qualifiers on the returned type are ignored for the purpose of selecting candidate functions.
As I understand, only operator int
or int&
should be considered.
so gcc would be right but on the non-template version Demo both are viable...