I am trying to include a header file from the book Numerical Recipes in my code. The header files I have to include are the nr3.hpp and the interp_1d.hpp. The interp_1d
needs the definitions of nr3
in order to work.
I will write some of the code that appears on interp_1d.hpp so that you get an idea of what I am dealing with with the interp_1d code:
struct Base_interp{
Int Base_interp::locate(const Doub x){
Doub BaryRat_interp::interp(Doub x){
There are no header guards in this header file. As a result when I try to input it in multiple other header files I get the error "66 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64".
The structure of my code is the following:
#include "nr3.hpp"
#include "interp_1d.hpp"
#include "myPulse.hpp"
#include "myPulse.hpp"
#include "myPulse.hpp"
#include "calc1.hpp"
#include "calc2.hpp"
#include "nr3.hpp"
#include "interp_1d.hpp"
I don't know how to overcome this issue. I want to be able to use the interp_1d.hpp functions in more than one part of the code. I tried including header guards, but this didn't work:
#ifndef Interp_1d
#define Interp_1d
Does anyone know how I use the interp_1d header in multiple other headers without this error occurring?
When working with a single file (or for brevity for books), some code can be simplified, but making multi-file case wrong.
In your case, header guards are missing, and inline
are missing (or a cpp file to put definition).
So you cannot use them as-is.
You have either:
split code for header/cpp file:
// interp_1d.hpp
#pragma once // or include guards
struct Base_interp{
#include "interp_1d.hpp"
Int Base_interp::locate(const Doub x){
Doub BaryRat_interp::interp(Doub x){
or put extra inline
(not always enough/possible though (globals for example)) and header guard.
// interp_1d.hpp
#pragma once // or include guards
struct Base_interp{
inline Int Base_interp::locate(const Doub x){
inline Doub BaryRat_interp::interp(Doub x){