
Display row into column in SQL

I have Two SQL Table

1st Table Name :- AttributeType

ID Name
1 Name
2 Address
3 Amount

2nd Table Name :- AttributeValue

ID AttributeId Value
1 1 John
2 2 Ohio,USA
3 3 500$

I want to combine this two table and join with other table column name will be display as per value in Attribute type table (if there is 5 rows, 5 column will be display in output table)

Output would be Output table

ID Name Address Amount
1 John Ohio,USA 500$

I don't have idea about how to write query Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.


  • I have added some changes to the data given above. Your Table column name and value is same which is a problem when using pivoting logic. So I changed it. ID id taken indirectly using rownumber. if we use id provided in the table, it will not give you proper result.

    create table AttributeType
    (ID int
    ,[AttName] varchar(100) --Changed to [AttName]
    insert into AttributeType values  (1, 'Name')
     ,(3, 'Amount')
    Create table AttributeValue
     ID int 
    , AttributeId int
    , [Value] varchar(100)
    insert into AttributeValue values (1,1,'John')
    ,(2,2, 'Ohio,USA')
    ,(3,3, '500$')
     ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [Name]) as ID ,[Name], address, Amount FROM
     FROM AttributeValue av
     INNER JOIN AttributeType [a]
        ON a.ID = av.AttributeId
       ) as [sourceTable]
         MAX([sourceTable].[Value] ) FOR  [sourceTable].[AttName]  IN ([Name], [Address],[Amount])
         ) AS pivoted

    Dynamic Approach

      @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);
      SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(a.[AttName]) 
            FROM  AttributeType [a]
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
         set @query = 'SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [Name]) as ID , ' + @cols + ' from 
                FROM AttributeValue av
                    INNER JOIN AttributeType [a]
                     ON a.ID = av.AttributeId
           ) as [sourceTable]
                MAX([sourceTable].[Value] ) FOR
                [sourceTable].[AttName] in (' + @cols + ')
            ) as pivoted '
